Department Vision

Transform young minds into competent professionals with profound ethical values to meet changing needs of Electronics & Communication..

Department Mission

M1 : To achieve academic excellence by encouraging active student teacher relations. M2 : To groom students with moral & ethical standards for the bilateral benefit of stakeholders. M3 : Enable students to develop skills to solve technological problems through continuous learning.

Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs)

The graduates of Electronics & Communication Engineering will be able to-
PEO1. Design and build systems for providing solutions to real life problems in the area of Electronics and Communication. 
PEO2. Be a successful entrepreneur, build careers in industry, government, public sector undertakings, pursue higher education & research. 
PEO3. Work individually, within multidisciplinary teams & lead the team following sound professional & ethical practices.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Electronics & Communication Engineering graduates will be able to: 
PSO1.    Identify, design, build, analyze and test analog, digital and embedded systems.  
PSO2.    Understand, apply and implement communication systems.
